>>> "Max B. Sawicky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/13/00 06:58PM >>>
Rather than labor's present campaign, MHL proposes
that we "focus our attention on US capital and the
logic of international capitalism."  But that's not
politics; it's a seminar.  Or a book.  Getting up
in front of a crowd and saying, "I denounce
capitalism" is not politics.  It's a potential
component of politics, but one that lacks any
referents in current events or practice.


CB: Howabout proposing a comprehensive anti-NAFTA/GATT, etc., in U.S. law and treaties 
which puts strict curbs and controls on the rights and powers of U.S. based 
corporations to move capital ? Just as a maximum program, ultimate target. Build 
current demands working toward that. Declare a break with all previous approaches 
which have, overall, failed.

And then start lobbying for it, electing candidates based on it.

It might require an Amendment to the Constitution. But I already have one drafted that 
is almost on point. It pretty much comes under the Labor Party proposal for an 
amendment for right to jobworkliivng decently. 


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