>>> Max Sawicky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/15/00 03:54PM >>>
Have no objection in principle.  Things like that
are in process in various ways.

It's not so hard to imagine a maximum program.
The tough thing to settle on is the minimum
program -- the one with immediate relevance
to what people are talking about, voting on,
& legislating. 


CB: Yes. For a minimum program to be one, there must also be a max program to which 
the min relates.  Current approach to China is a min without much max. flying by the 
seat of pants, tailing and reacting to the bourgeoisie, without having our own large 
strategy that is drastically different than the capitalist overall strategy.


It's easier to write a model
bill than decide among alternatives of
varying and qualitatively disparate rottenness.

CB: Uhhuh


I would concede, for instance, that an anti-PNTR
vote this week does not liberate us from a rotten WTO.
It does, however, mark a statement that the social
content of trade relations (or lack thereof) cannot
be a matter of indifference.


CB: Well, sure, to confine ourselves to domestic economics and not be concerned with 
the economic whole of 2000,which is so global, would be narrow economism, trade 
unionism pure and simple. We do want the rank and file thinking way beyond their 
immediate shop floor. And about politics too. How to make politics impact economics.  
So, that part is a plus.



CB: Howabout proposing a comprehensive anti-NAFTA/GATT, etc., in U.S. law
and treaties which puts strict curbs and controls on the rights and powers
of U.S. based corporations to move capital ? Just as a maximum program,
ultimate target. Build current demands working toward that. Declare a break
with all previous approaches which have, overall, failed.

And then start lobbying for it, electing candidates based on it.

It might require an Amendment to the Constitution. But I already have one
drafted that is almost on point. It pretty much comes under the Labor Party
proposal for an amendment for right to jobworkliivng decently.


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