Have no objection in principle.  Things like that
are in process in various ways.

It's not so hard to imagine a maximum program.
The tough thing to settle on is the minimum
program -- the one with immediate relevance
to what people are talking about, voting on,
& legislating.  It's easier to write a model
bill than decide among alternatives of
varying and qualitatively disparate rottenness.

I would concede, for instance, that an anti-PNTR
vote this week does not liberate us from a rotten WTO.
It does, however, mark a statement that the social
content of trade relations (or lack thereof) cannot
be a matter of indifference.


CB: Howabout proposing a comprehensive anti-NAFTA/GATT, etc., in U.S. law
and treaties which puts strict curbs and controls on the rights and powers
of U.S. based corporations to move capital ? Just as a maximum program,
ultimate target. Build current demands working toward that. Declare a break
with all previous approaches which have, overall, failed.

And then start lobbying for it, electing candidates based on it.

It might require an Amendment to the Constitution. But I already have one
drafted that is almost on point. It pretty much comes under the Labor Party
proposal for an amendment for right to jobworkliivng decently.


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