> Quoth Tom re Max:
> >If the bubble breaks, 
> >there is some disruption and often some socialization of the losses, 
> >but life more or less goes on.  Where's the apocalypse?
> >
> The disruption and the socialization of the losses are not random processes.
> Life goes on more or less for some people and just less for others. While
> Chossudovsky may have been hyperventilating, Max's and Doug's sanguine
> comments about the "low rate of unemployment" reveal a quaint U.S.-centric
> parochialism. I wouldn't worry about the apocalypse -- bedlam's as bad as it
> gets.

Good one, Tom.  Sometimes I think a few of this list ought to be
paradropped into Bangladesh -or even just Spain - without a passport;
nothing permanent, one purgatorial week should do.

A full fridge and certain basic structural assurances can be corrosive
of ideological moorings, it seems, and all of us are susceptible.

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