valis wrote:

>> Quoth Tom re Max:
>> >If the bubble breaks,
>> >there is some disruption and often some socialization of the losses,
>> >but life more or less goes on.  Where's the apocalypse?
>> >
>> The disruption and the socialization of the losses are not random processes.
>> Life goes on more or less for some people and just less for others. While
>> Chossudovsky may have been hyperventilating, Max's and Doug's sanguine
>> comments about the "low rate of unemployment" reveal a quaint U.S.-centric
>> parochialism. I wouldn't worry about the apocalypse -- bedlam's as bad as it
>> gets.
>Good one, Tom.  Sometimes I think a few of this list ought to be
>paradropped into Bangladesh -or even just Spain - without a passport;
>nothing permanent, one purgatorial week should do.

I know it's sometimes thrilling to mount a moral high horse and declaim,
but I was responding specifically to the assertions in the original
histrionic document that there was something fishy about U.S. employment

By the way, there's plenty of misery about 40 blocks north of where I sit
that I don't really need to be parachuted anywhere to see it first hand.
Probably more misery than there is among the unemployed of Spain, in fact.


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