And another thing.

> Are you saying that _I_ sympathize with Chossudovsky's politics or excuse
> failures in logic and careless use of data? Or are you just setting up a
> bogus dichotomy as a platform to pontificate from? I simply was pointing out
> that Doug and Max were citing low unemployment data as if the significance
> of that data was self-evident.   [Walker]

Obviously, in light of this thread, very little 
of what I said was self-evident.  I merely 
pointed out that the U.S. data of *relatively* 
low unemployment contradicted one of Cho's 
several breathless generalizations, but most of 
my post was a set of questions about the issues 
of financial fragility and market fixing, which 
you and Valis turned into a discussion about who 
had bigger calluses.

> That doesn't make me a Chossudovsky
> "sympathizer" or an "adversary" of either Henwood or Sawicky. 

Henceforth, the names of Walker and Chossudovsky 
will be forever intertwined, their ethnic 
contrast notwithstanding, though there may be 
some truth to the rumor that Chossudovsky's real 
name was Lodge and he changed it to make it as a 
radical economist.  By the same token, 
Walker's original name was Lobachevsky and he 
changed it to make it as a Canadian 
wilderness guide.

> Jeez, Colin, what a thin-skinned exercise in guilt by non-association. I
> sure hope Doug and Max take my points more constructively.

As indeed I have.
> I will say, however, that pooh-poohing the apocalypse can be as much of a
> pose as apocalypticism itself. It might even be interesting to ask whether
> apocalyptic pooh-poohing isn't itself just a variation on the theme of
> apocalypse. In other words, Sawicky's rhetorical labelling of Chossudovsky's
> tract as "apocalyptic" was itself an apocalyptic gesture.

The logic of this utterly escapes me, my 
hostility to it notwithstanding.
> Think about it.

Hmm.  Nope.  Nothing.


"One man deserves the credit,
  One man deserves the fame,
  And Nicolai Ivanovich
  Chossudovsky is his name!

(First one to trace this gets a free drink at my 
expense at the AEA meetings.)

Max B. Sawicky           Economic Policy Institute
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         Suite 1200
202-775-8810 (voice)     1660 L Street, NW
202-775-0819 (fax)       Washington, DC  20036

Opinions here do not necessarily represent the
views of anyone associated with the Economic
Policy Institute.

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