Jerry writes, anent Doug:

>Amazing ... you haven't "made up your mind" yet about value theory, but
>have just written a "Marxist" work claiming to be about political economy. 

Whether or not it's "Marxist", Doug's book is certainly "about political
economy", and the validity and relevance of his arguments, however you
assess them, will depend not at all on whether it earns the term "Marxist"
or reflects an internally consistent take on value theory.  Thus... 

>Perhaps you might not realize it yet, but taking a position on value
>theory is a somewhat more important question related to political economy
>than forecasting the amount of pink carnations in the US in the
>next calendar year.

Maybe, but not much.  

And forget the New or Marxist Schools, my vote is that Doug should go to
SUNY--Stonybrook.  For game theory.  [Hah, that'll shake him up.]


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