Palmer is absolutely correct on the precision of Sendero's use
of violence.  Sendero regularly targeted political activists whom
most people on this list would consider on the Left.

        Finding the Communist Party of Peru incomparable to Pol Pot and
the Khmer Rouge hardly excuses them of their political crimes. 

Sincerely yours,

Robert Saute

On Tue, 31 Mar 1998, Louis Proyect wrote:

> Rob Saute:
>       Of course, Louis Proyect is partially correct in the above
> >statement.  The Communist Party of Peru/Shining Path/Sendero Luminoso is
> >not at war with the U.S. Left; they could probably care less.  On the
> >other hand, many a labor leader, leftist party militant, shanty-town
> >organizer or peasant activist killed at the hands of Sendero Luminoso
> >cadre might from the grave, were that possible, find his characterization
> >of Shining Path's enemies a bit disingenuous.  Seen through the lens of a
> >debate on just how semi-feudal Peru is or is not, the endless
> >preoccupation with human rights does seem to be so much drivel.
> David Scott Palmer:
> "The insurgency has rarely engaged in indiscriminate violence and should
> not be compared with Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge in this regard."

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