On Sun, 29 Mar 1998, Louis Proyect wrote:

> We sometimes forget that the Shining Path is in a war
> with the Peruvian state and not the American left and its allies in Peru.

        Of course, Louis Proyect is partially correct in the above
statement.  The Communist Party of Peru/Shining Path/Sendero Luminoso is
not at war with the U.S. Left; they could probably care less.  On the
other hand, many a labor leader, leftist party militant, shanty-town
organizer or peasant activist killed at the hands of Sendero Luminoso
cadre might from the grave, were that possible, find his characterization
of Shining Path's enemies a bit disingenuous.  Seen through the lens of a
debate on just how semi-feudal Peru is or is not, the endless
preoccupation with human rights does seem to be so much drivel.

        Sub-comandante Marcos take heed, knock off a few human rights
workers from the Catholic Church, execute a doctor or two from San
Cristobal, murder local activists from the PRD, and Zapatista stock will
rise in Lou's eyes.

May a thousand dead dogs hang from the lampposts of a land purged of petty
bourgeois revisionists and misleaders of the working class!  

Sincerely yours,

Robert Saute

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