I began by mentioning the need to control the rich.  Brad suggested, if I
understood him correctly, that I might mean that I would like to see the
poor remain poor to minimize the impact of the rich.  Then I responded
about the environmental problems associated with extreme poverty.  I
absolutely agree about the SUV's, which was my original point.   I do not
blame deforestation on the poor.  They tend to take small amounts of wood
off marginal land, which is harmful nonetheless.

Doug Henwood wrote:

> Michael Perelman wrote:
> >extreme poverty makes people take environmentally damaging actions.
> But nothing compared to us car-driving, air-conditioned people.
> You sound like the World Bank here, blaming deforestation on poor
> indigenes rather than rapacious corporate loggers. Do you really mean
> this?
> Doug


Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929
fax 530-898-5901

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