>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/11/00 06:24PM >>>

Yes! He does not seem to have learned the extent to which the 
neo-liberal program is successfully advancing. Bind all prosperous 
market economies of the world into one single bloc in which the 
prosperous development of all is a precondition for the prosperous 
development of each. Then embrace-and-extend as countries that adopt 
Marshall Plan politico-economic institutions are brought into the 
core as they receive massive amounts of technology transfer from 
core-located firms, and countries that remain outside the core strive 
to adopt political democracy, free trade, and market economics.

Yesterday the United States! Today the OECD! Tomorrow the World! (It 
ain't Utopia, but it's the only game in town--unless you think, like 
Lars-Erik Neilsen in the _New York Review of Books_, that Mexicans 
ain't fit to assemble staplers and should go back to the subsistence 
agriculture that they came from)


CB: Now I get it ! Brad D. is really on our side, but he is undercover. 


(Shhhhhh, CB, Don' t blow his cover)


CB: Who said that ?!

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