At 04:29 PM 08/01/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:
> >
> > Speaking of evidence, can Ricardo offer evidence for his insinuation
> > that studies that have found "for every male diagnosed as suffering
> > from depression, two to six times as many females are so diagnosed"
> > are inaccurate?  What's his ground for thinking so?  Is it his sexist
> > intuition?  To my knowledge, not even Christina Hoff Sommers has
> > claimed that such studies are lies made up by feminists (probably
> > because findings of gender differences in rates of clinical
> > depression do not necessarily come from feminist scholars).

Carrol wrote:
>The disproportion in rates of clinical depression between men and women is
>one of those facts so widely known and accepted that like the fact that
>Lansing is the capital of Michigan it does not require a source.

Strangely, autism (including Asperger's syndrome) hits boys much more than 
girls. This seems to be for biological rather than societal reasons (or at 
least the experts say and they seem much better than the oldereneration  -- 
like Bruno Bettelheim -- who blamed the kid's mother). Of course, the 
biological basis may have something to do with environmental toxins 
(helping to explain the recent epidemic of autism and concentrations of 
people with autism in New Jersey).

I'm not an expert on depression (not having had it enough, I guess). I 
don't think it can be seen as having a purely biological basis, though.

off to self-medicate,


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