At 01:58 PM 4/23/2001 -0700, you wrote:

>>... is also a fervent Christian as well as a capitalist
>>fundamentalist. My guess that as long as poor people can go to heaven and
>>sit at the right hand of Jesus, stuff like polluted water, low wages,
>>ramshackle housing, illiteracy, etc. don't count for that much. After all,
>>if you are going to enjoy perfect bliss for all eternity, what's 40 years
>>or so of hell on earth.
>aren't there some fundamentalists -- present company excluded, of course 
>-- who want to speed up the end of life on earth, so we can join Jesus?

Probably, there are all sorts of people who believe all sorts of things.

I'm not familiar with any group in particular that believes this. I 
certainly don't.


John R Henry CPP

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