>You're welcome. How's the drinking water and cancer rate around the 
>chemical plants?

Puerto Rico's cancer rates are lower than the US as a whole. There is no 
problem around the chemical plants. All our water and sewage is monitored 
by EPA and generally meets the same standards your does up north.

>Does Jack Welch really get paid according to his marginal productivity? 
>Would GE have
>gone under if they paid your family a living wage and told the 
>shareholders to quit
>being so greedy?

Perhaps you missed this. They did get paid a living wage.

[from my original note]
 > More importantly, it allowed them to build something for themselves. They
> > have a comfortable house and put 5 kids through college. These kids (my
> > wife included) will never have to do the kind of work they did and we are
> > eternally grateful. The grandkids are doing even better.
>Name one person on this planet who's publicly come out in favor of poverty 

Well, here on this list there have been several notes accusing others of 
being in favor of poverty. If you really like, I can search out some 
examples for you but it will have to wait till next Tuesday when I get home.

In the meantime, here's one sample:

 > Nobody, myself included, wants to see people work in "sweatshops", defined
 > as low paying jobs under poor to bad conditions.
Many capitalists don't seem to mind.

 >So how would you raise the living standards of the poor given capitalist 
 >rights, financial markets, business cycles and greed?

The same way it happened in Puerto Rico. The same way it is happening in 
Santo Domingo and perhaps a hundred other countries. Give people the chance 
to work and progress.

As I said, my inlaws in particular and Puerto Ricans in general have done 
pretty well from "sweatshops". So well that we don't have much in the way 
of "sweatshops" anymore. We've grown past that stage.


John R Henry CPP

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