On Fri, 30 Mar 2001 12:07:50 -0500, Charles Brown wrote:
>Private property is the legal crystalization of class exploitative relations of 
>production. So, it is the numero uno 
effective principle of bourgeois law and jurisprudence , today's exploitative form of 
productive relations.  
>The succinct statement of the aim of the proletarian revolution is: Abolition of 
>private property. 

I disagree with this goal. The right to property is merely the right to exclude, 
nothing more. Property rights are, 
IMHO, necessary for any right to privacy. I don't see anything wrong with people 
owning stuff. I see a problem, 
however, when labor is exploited. The link between private property and exploitation 
of labor is tenuous. On 
what basis would you say the two are linked?

Andrew Hagen

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