Charles wrote:
>CB: What is competitive austerity ? Is it competition between governments 
>to see who can cut social spending and public enterprise the most ? Is the 
>difference between this and the 1930 situation that there weren't welfare 
>state institutions as much in place then as in the period out of which 
>competitive austerity is taking us now ?

Max writes: > There is tax competition between states and countries, but 
the effect in distorting tax structures is much
more important, IMO, than the impact on the size of government.  There is 
pressure on the size of Gov, but it stems from ideological and 
(anti-)redistributive concerns, not very much from actual competitive 

 >There is the conservative notion that devolution will cause the public 
sector to shrink, but so far this has not happened, in the U.S. at least.<

this is another reason why Max shouldn't leave the list. He's got it 
exactly right. Different political units are competing for the favors of 
the multinationals by cutting taxes & wages and the like. They also are 
competing to push exports. This could lead to deepening world 
depression.  It's encouraged by the World Bank & the IMF (and the weakness 
of labor and other non-capitalist forces). Until 2000, the deflationary 
effects of this part of the "race to the bottom" was counteracted by the US 
being the world's consumer of last resort. (These days, the US is 
broadcasting recession to the world.)

>CB: Would Bush be going back to the old Republican trend if he protects 
>the U.S. steel industry ?

more likely, he'd be giving in to special-interest pressure. The powers 
that be -- both Republican and Democratic -- are all in favor of "free 
trade." I doubt that they'll give up on this philosophy until the US stops 
being the hegemonic power.


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