Stephen E Philion wrote:

>If I read the last series of posts a few weeks back from the USAS mtg.
>one thing stood out re: strategy, namely the  intent to work on sweatshop
>struggles that unions are currently engaged in, be they in the States or
>abroad. In your schema, the US unions and/or college based anti-sweatshop
>activists have stayed stuck in  protectionist
>moves and unionists abroad don't support them as a result. However, active
>support for actual union struggles abroad would  seem to contradict your
>characterization of the current phase of anti-sweatshop struggle.

You're right. Student anti-sweatshop activists are opposed to 
protectionism and to boycotts. They take their cues from workers in 
Asia and Latin America, not from union leaders. Bourgeois hacks would 
have you to believe otherwise, but that's the kind of thing bourgeois 
hacks do for a living.


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