Rakesh Bhandari wrote:

>  henwood referred to those who characterize the anti sweatshop movement as
>  protectionist as bourgeois hacks--to this you do not object!

Hmm, the first version of this was labeled "offlist," as was this 
response, initially. But since turned out not to be, neither will 



It's clear from these repeated characterizations that you know 
nothing about the movement, except maybe what you've picked up from 
the bourgeois press, nor do you seem to know how Liza and/or I feel 
about protectionism, immigration, or development issues. We're both 
anti-protectionist, anti-nationalist, and fully aware of the complex 
and contradictory nature of manufacturing work in poor countries. We 
both welcome immigration, and the free movement of people around the 
world. You also seem to know nothing about what's been going on 
within U.S. unions, who are, way too slowly, moving away from their 
historical nationalist/protectionist positions.

The reason we've been ignoring so many of your screeds is that 
they're so fucking irrational, argued without reference to our 
positions or those of the students or the unions.

Adolph Reed once described a kind of sectarianism as always scornful 
of any actual mobilizations. I think you've been exhibiting exactly 

And now I'm going back to silence.

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