I don't care now about who did what when.  The list was going quite well
until you revived this vituperation.  It must cease immediately.

On Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 02:13:40AM -0700, Rakesh Bhandari wrote:
> Michael Perelman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 
> > I do not want to have to keep monitoring this thread.  It is a bad time
> > for me.  This sort of sarcasm has no please here.  Please stop!!!
> > 
> > On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 11:55:19AM -0700, Rakesh Bhandari wrote:
> > > 
> > > Ah so someone like Kabeer is a bourgeois hack like Friedman?  Hmm. What do you 
> > > think someone like her thinks of you. 
> Michael Perelman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 
>  > I do not want to have to keep monitoring this thread.  It is a bad time
>  > for me.  This sort of sarcasm has no please here.  Please stop!!!
>  Michael, 
>  henwood referred to those who characterize the anti sweatshop movement as 
>  protectionist as bourgeois hacks--to this you do not object! Henwood and 
>  featherstone had written that naila kabeer thoughty of the anti 
>  sweatshop movement as protectionist; hence, they had implicitly referred to 
> her as a bourgeois  hack. i objected to this by asking them to consider what 
> she may think of them. how else is one to return the slander? at least, i did 
> not call them hacks. 
>  let me be clear here. i know doug--he is tough minded in that enlightenment 
> way, obviously very smart and grounded in the data beyond compare.  it is 
> beneath him in my opinon  to have hitherto been insufficiently critical of the 
> post Seattle union backed "fair trade" movement of which this student anti 
> sweatshop agitation is indeed a manifestation in spite of h's heroic attempts 
> to delink the students from the protectionist,  i.e., social imperialist, 
> unions which are bankrolling them. 
> in my opinion, henwood has been way too soft in his lingua franca and nation 
> pieces on the reactionary nature of Sweeney's putative new internationalism. 
> and i do think the stakes are very high in regards to the northern attempt to 
> prevent defacto the North's living up to its side of the trade bargain in 2004-
> 5. Very high indeed. So yes I think Henwood is making a big, global political 
> error from the perspectives of both foreign and American workers in not blowing 
> the whistle on Sweeney's fair trade movement. 
> I have been very unhappy that the anti protectionist viewpoint has not been 
> adequately covered in the numerous pieces on anti globalization in the Nation. 
> Instead we have this applauding of snooty kids' feel good activism. they are 
> getting way too much attention, especially since they are ultimately pawns in 
> the high stakes protectionist game.  
>  as for sawicky, the case is clearer. for years now he has tried to develop a 
> folksy kind of populism his commitment to which led him to rise to the defense 
> of Lind's liberal nationalism which upon closer examination proves to be an 
> externally illiberal nationalism or national chauvinism, plain and simple. i 
> have for  years thought that sawicky was too much of a nationalist to fight off 
> national  chauvinism which is a trap for the working class. and that he needed 
> to defend  lind against me only underlines the point.  
>  if you go back to the mid july exchange, you will see that i did not insult 
> max but lind and lind only for his nativism. Sawicky then felt compelled to 
> dismiss my charges of lind's racism and nativism as irresponsible hysteria and 
> hallucination--these are the kinds of words which he used.  
> i then wrote a fairly substantial criticism of the lind piece on 
> immigration which pugliese had downloaded--if you don't believe me, ask 
> pugliese.  sawicky ignored my attempt to  justify my accusation of nativism but 
> jumped to the bottom of the post where i noted that lind's foreign policy views 
> are also reactionary. Then sawicky  after having ignored the bulk of the post 
> accused me again of hurling unsubstantiated accusations of nativism and trying 
> to switch the topic to the  vietnam war. 
> then it gets more bizarre: a few days later sawicky announces to lbo that he 
> has noted an uncomfortable overlap between lind's views and brimelow's white 
> nationalism--the very point i had made in my comments on the piece which 
> pugliese had downloaded!  It was clear not to me alone that sawicky had become 
> unhinged.
>  And the whole thing became yet even more bizarre when Sawicky decided to 
> castigate again my views on Malcolm X. I then reminded him that I did not say 
> the things which he claimed. He admitted to being in error in a supremely 
> obnoxious post titled Rakesh and Reptiles--though he claimed that he did not 
> mean to insinsuate my less than human nature though he treats me in sub human 
> terms in this post which was meant to retract his error in characterizing my 
> views.  
> you or doug have not intervened as a moderator to point out to Sawicky who is 
> clearly a racist that there were replies on this question of nativism or on the 
> question of the use of trade  sanctions to enforce the core conventions. 
> Sawicky continued to say that I had  made no counter arguments when they were 
> there in the archive plain for anyone to see. 
>  i don't believe you are capable of being a fair moderator. you have your 
>  prejudices--my opinion is that they are deep.  So i am not surprised that you 
> tend to see me as the one who has made the first attack against henwood and 
> sawicky. of course i appear the aggressive one--not the ones who ignore the 
> perspective of most third world trade unionists or think that it's reasonable 
> to call for zero net immigration and a purge of illegal immigrants to keep 
> natives' wages up. no, these are not the aggressive ones.
>  Rakesh

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

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