The attack is cowardly because the attackers must have had support from
some group or country. Yet, all concerned have kept their affiliations
secret. They have attacked civilians, who had no way of defending
themselves. For these reasons and others, they are cowards. 

What personal gain did the criminals get? Personal aggrandizement,
fame, and a sick kind of grandeur. 

I realize that you have raised intellectually telling points, and I
have responded emotionally. I apologize if my reply is off the mark.

Andrew Hagen

On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 12:33:04 -0500, Ken Hanly wrote:

>How can the attack be cowardly? The attackers gave up their lives in most
>instances. They were willing to die to achieve their goals. That is hardly
>Are you saying that people willing to put their lives on the line for their
>beliefs are cowards. Explain that please. Criminals usually break the law
>for personal gain.
>What personal gain did these terrorists obtain? Do you know of criminals who
>knowingly and deliberately kill themselves as part of their crime. Surely
>rare, and ususally they would be crimes of passion cum suicide.
>Cheers, Ken  Hanly
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Andrew Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 1:02 PM
>Subject: [PEN-L:16943] the attack
>> Is everybody okay? I think Doug lives in the NYC area. Does anyone else
>> live there?
>> This attack disgusts me and should disgust the entire left and
>> anti-globalization movement. This attack is cowardly, unjustified, and
>> totally evil. The perpetrators are criminals of the worst kind.
>> As for civil liberties, sometimes they must be sacrificed to preserve
>> public safety. This is such a time. The point we can make is that any
>> limitation on liberty should be temporary until the danger passes.
>> Take care everyone.
>> Andrew Hagen

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