On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 23:33:23 +0000, Rob Schaap wrote:
>Is it just me, or are we all about to embark on a murderous adventure

"If the American economy does not bounce back within a few months, we
will probably begin to hear calls for war from the well-ensconced
American intelligentsia, purportedly to address some perceived slight.
War always cures recession. In my judgment, they will likely beat the
drums of war against one of: Columbia, Cuba, North Korea, or Iraq."

I posted those words to pen-l in March of this year. Looks like I got
the country wrong. It's also on my web site at


Also,  "The United States will respond to terrorist attacks on New York
and Washington with a sustained military campaign, Deputy Defense
Secretary Paul Wolfowitz said Thursday


George W. Bush fights back tears and weeps. Later, "Now that war has
been declared on us, we will lead the world to victor


Some US citizens are throwing firebombs, molotov cocktails, and trying
to march on mosques. Arab-Americans are forced to defend their


Osama bin Laden said to be placed under house arrest in Afghanistan.
Taleban confirm story according to the Times of London. Nightline
reported that the Taleban denied the story, though.


Pakistan turns down US request to host a Special Forces unit
(commandos) in that country. Tajikistan (bordering Afghanistan) will
allow a US Special Forces unit to operate a base camp from that
country, however.


India will help US strike against Afghanistan.


The UN delegation to Afghanistan evacuates.


We have to make sure that our response is appropriate and responsible.
I'm not sure our leaders are thinking clearly, strategically, and

Andrew Hagen

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