Andrew Hagen wrote,

>I disagree. IMHO, the attack was cowardly. They attacked defenseless
>people. Only cowards do such things.

Zombies. Only zombies do such things. They didn't attack defenseless people
per se; they attacked what were to them abstract symbols -- targets. Even
the people were abstract symbols to the zombies. They performed the same
kind of operation that other symbolic analysts do every day. Do we call T.V.
news anchors cowards? Do we call downsizing CEO's cowards? Do we call
welfare-to-work legislators cowards?

Fighting back against cowards is easy. Call them names. Nothing hurts a
coward more than calling him or her a coward to his or her face. This is why
cowards prefer to remain faceless. For emphasis, try "fucking coward". That
really hurts 'em. Better yet, scurry off to Nebraska until the coast is
clear, then call them cowards. Remember, when they taunt you with that old
'sticks and stones' routine, that they're only fooling themselves. 

Fighting back against zombies is hard. Calling them names leaves no impression.

Tom Walker
Bowen Island, BC
604 947 2213

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