>As everybody else on the list know, I am not joking.  Why is it Jim,
>Carrol, and, you add, Paul get into arguments with you?  I think that
>abrasiveness detracts from the exchanges.  Give us your information, but
>spare us your disputatious approach.

No thanks, Kick me off the list anytime you want. I shall continue to 
respond in the style that I respond. I am not here to share 
information as if I am an information processing machine but to 
discuss and debate and learn. I of course have my own explanation for 
why Marxists such as Carrol, Jim D,  and Paul Phillips get into 
arguments with me and themselves resort freely to ad hominem 
arguments. At any rate, I certainly can't be accused of laying into 
Phillips first! And the whole idea that debates among Marxists should 
not be disputatious is just--well--so not like Marx himself.

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