>Justin, you keep reminding us of Oskar Lange's economics of socialism
>quote.  He thought that General Equilibrium was a proof of the efficacy of
>market socialism.  I don't want to debate market socialism -- we have
>worked that one over more than enough -- but his "proof" seems kind of
>silly to me.

(a) He did not. This is a common myth. In The Economic Theory of Socialism 
defended central planning by shadow pricing. Later, after experiences as an 
actual planner, he became an advocate of market reform, but not via GET.

(b) I don't endorse Lange's use of GET even in defense of planning by using 
his quip, which is just too good to let go. If I quote Tocqueville or 
Churchill or Machiavelli or Goering or even Perlman for an especially apt 
remark, I do not thereby buy into their total potical philosophies. I do not 
confine myself to quotinf only people I agree with, or I would never quote 

(c) Anyway, you know, or should by now, that ich bin ein echt Oesterreicher 
on these matters, not a Arrovian-Debreauvnik. I go with the Hayekian 
critique of GET. So you have to take the commebt in the spirit in which it 
was quoted, which is not for its literal truth. Chhez, you marxists are so 

Was looking at your Invention of Capitalism in the bookstore the other day, 
looks good, ; I will buy it, but right now I'm busy with other things.


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