Marx's idea of social forces may be grounded more in common sense than in some
deep theory.  One other factors that I see in his understanding of the
transition to socialism runs as follows: people will see the tremendous social
forces (capabilities or potential) of capitalist production alongside the actual
performance, leading to great dissatisfaction and a readiness to make a change.

I remain very skeptical of any attempt to give precise numerical calculations
for any part of Marx's theory.  Marx does use rough, back of the envelope,
calculations from time to time.  They seem appropriate.

Recasting Marx in algebraic, mathematical, or precise numerical form, seems a
bit foreign to his overall project, which his understanding the nature of
capitalist society and the weaknesses that will lead to the creation of a
socialist state.

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929
fax 530-898-5901

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