(hoping this will do as a tentative reply to Eric too)

>Recasting Marx in algebraic, mathematical, or precise numerical form, seems
>bit foreign to his overall project, which his understanding the nature of
>capitalist society and the weaknesses that will lead to the creation of a
>socialist state.

The idea was not so much to give a precise or numeric quantification of the
productive forces but rather to show that the phrase "productive forces"
could in principle be operationalised in some non-question-begging way.  I
say "non-question-begging", because my problem with Jim and Eric's idea of
the productive forces (set out extremely clearly in Eric's chained-GDP
concept of their measurement), is that if you're going to say that
"productive" means "productive of things which are desired by human beings
at that particular point in history", then I don't see how historical
materialism can get off the ground.  ie, if the state of the production
forces can only be given a meaning which is dependent on the state of
history, how can it be the basis of a theory of history?  And whatever else
one thinks about Cohen's work, I think he has to be right that Marx had a
theory of history, and that this theory of history was materialsit and based
on the productive forces.

'course, I never understood dialectics, so I may be talking out of my hole.


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