Doug Henwood wrote:
> The U.S. is under the control of a frightening gang of lunatics
> hellbent on war with a good bit of the world. Why are Toni Negri and
> The Nation magazine such urgent enemies?

They aren't -- but this is a maillist, not the political bureau of a
mass revolutionary party, or even the steering committee of a mass
reform party.

Why was Sokal such an urgent enemy on another list? The _Nation_ doesn't
bother me -- it simply began to bore me (and I found out that anything
interesting or useful in it always shows up on some maillist anyhow).
They clearly have hired an incompetent book review editor, however, on
the basis of the two book reviews I have seen reproduced on maillists
(of Gould & of Pinker). I do think it is verging on conspiracy theory to
characterize those reviews as representing anything more serious than
incompetence, however.


> Doug

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