The U.S. is under the control of a frightening gang of lunatics hellbent on war with a good bit of the world. Why are Toni Negri and The Nation magazine such urgent enemies?

Sorry, Doug, but you will have to get used to me taking potshots at people you look up to, whether it is Toni Negri or Marc Cooper. This is the Internet, after all. In any case, I have been throwing spitballs at postmodernism on the Internet since 1994 or so. This precedes by a number of years your cultivation of ties to Michael Hardt and Zizek. I thought the sort of thing they were writing was bullshit long before you began touting it. You wouldn't expect me to keep silent just so you wouldn't get ticked off? After all, Michael Hardt gets to defend his ideas on Charlie Rose and Marc Cooper uses the LA Weekly. You use your connections to get me a guest spot on Charlie Rose or a guest column in the Nation Magazine, and I'll stop poking fun at them on pen-l. Unless Michael Perelman wants to put a ban on making rude jokes at the expense of postmodernism on pen-l. When that day comes, I am out of here.

Louis Proyect, Marxism mailing list:

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