Hi all,

Here's what James Petras has said about an alternative for China:

The renewal of socialist development requires courage, new ideas and
recognition of the specificities of the Chinese society and economy. The
key is the courage to systematically reject the premises, language and
concepts of globalization and neo-liberal ideology. The key to renewal is
based on starting from the basic idea that the new strategy must be based
on development from below and directed to the domestic economy. This
involves a period of transition which must take drastic socialist shock
policies to undermine the current elite structure and reverse the
regressive allocation of income, investment and ownership. Shocks must
include fixed prices on basic commodities, freezing bank accounts and
investment of the wealthy classes, appropriation of profits, seizure of the
commanding heights of the economy. These policies will likely provoke
crises and panic among the elite, investment boycotts and protests form
abroad. But they are essential to avoid de-capitalization and to provide
the key instruments for socialist development.

Socialist shock policies should be followed by a worker designed structural
adjustment policy (SAP) where property is re-socialized, rural cooperatives
are reintroduced, income and credit is redistributed, illicit wealth is
confiscated and the State withdraws public guarantees from private sector
borrowers. "Adjustments" in income form above to below, from private to
public, from overseas creditors to low income debtors should create the
fundamental foundations for the socialization of the economy based on
decentralized democratic planning. Planned economy form below requires open
debates and the formation of independent social organizations based on the
"popular classes", including women, ecologists, minorities, as well as
peasants, workers, young people and academics.

Once the fundamental structures are in place and the regime is
consolidated, selective openings of the economy in spheres of competitive
advantages should be encouraged. National defense based on internal
preparedness and international solidarity linking anti-imperialist,
socialist and democratic movements becomes part of the new foreign policy.
Future integration via international solidarity with popular movements
replaces today's integration via subordination to the imperial dominated
"world market".


China in the Context of Globalization



At 14:41 2003-8-11, you wrote:
Maybe I'm not reading carefully enough, but did you answered Doug's
question about what your alternative would be?  You say what you would not
advise them to do, but that's really not an answer.   I'm sure they could
come up all by themselves lots of reasons why what their approach has
serious problems, but if you can't tell them what they might do instead,
they aren't any better off.


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