Brian McKenna wrote:
> What if that kind of money had gone to WBAI type stations?

i have great respect for the folks at WBAI, but i would like to add the
criticism (that i have voiced before on this list) that i am not sure
any additional money would be spent by WBAI in any more productive a
manner than they spend their time now. i will repeat my examples:

- an evening show on phone network cracking, etc
- a PC show that frequently recommends software purchases, while
  free public-domain software might do the trick
- their tendency to break out the chomsky tapes only at fund-raising
  while otherwise promoting people like arundhati roy (sorry joanna,
  i really do think of her as somewhat of a bono of india)
- arcane music programmes (yes alternative music is very important,
  but i am not sure the quantity and [lack of] quality are justified)
- that crazy leftist dude doug henwood! ;-) ;-)

there are other pet peeves i have against WBAI; admittedly some of them
are nothing more than whining at not having it my way...


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