Ravi wrote:
in some cases, this complexity is
willful... take the current obsession with XML and building layers and
layers on top of it.

Sounds like the project I'm working on, which combines websphere, XML, Struts, java and javascript. It has taken me a year to figure out how all the pieces fit together. The industry has convinced itself that OO development is like putting together preassembled parts. That may be true for shrink-wrapped software that can re-use the same widgets, but it hardly seems worth the effort for in-house development of typical back-office systems like payroll, etc. I could have written the same modules in php in 1/3 the time. Unfortunately, you need java or maybe Gates's new software for the kind of stable, multi-user systems that big organizations require. Frankly, I don't see how you can ship this kind of work overseas since it is so dependent on heavy user interaction. On the other hand, if you are developing turn-key applications based on stable specifications, it might be another story altogether.

Louis Proyect Marxism list: www.marxmail.org

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