They are accurate descriptions of contemporary Russian rural life, I would say, or at 
least broad swathes of it. I mean, I don't want to say that every single Russian male 
peasant is an alcoholic wife-beater, but an awful lot of them are.

> There's been a good deal of historical reasearch into this, hasn't
> there?  There is, for instance, Christine Worobec's _Peasant Russia:
> Family and Community in the Post-Emancipation Period_ which summarizes
> a good deal of work by others .  What she describes is a paranoically
> suspicious "misogynist patriarchalism" with "severe penalties for
> deviant behaviour."  David Ransel's  _Mothers of Misery: Child
> Abandonment in Russia_ describes infant and child care practices
> consistent with this.  Are these descriptions accurate?

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