On Mar 10, 2016, at 12:16 PM, Charlie <charles1...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> "My problem is with his decision [Sanders'] to run as a Democrat." 
> Typically, we get "my" instead of "our." Guess what, Senator Sanders 
> will never sit down to talk to L.P. (nor me). More importantly, the 
> article does a great  job of putting off any newly active fan of Sanders 
> who might happen to read it, while it reflects not at all on how to work 
> among the millions of Sanders' supporters.
> I chatted briefly with a stranger in front of her car bearing a Feel the 
> Bern sticker, the day after Sanders' Michigan win. We enjoyed the 
> victory for a moment. Then I asked how could Sanders if elected get 
> things done. That provided all the opening one needed.

Louis, in the name of Debs, would say your Sanders supporter would be wasting 
her vote. She should instead be throwing her support to Green candidate Jill 
Stein. I'd put greater odds of your friend engaging with your question than 
wanting to pursue his tortured rationale for the Green Party. Louis puts great 
store on the Democratic label and history (as though the Greens would somehow 
behave differently than other left-centre parties if they came close to vying 
for government) while disdaining the unfolding political differentiation within 
and around the party and the opportunities it presents to consistently provide 
the kind of opening you describe.
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