"Sinecure"? Which coal mine are you working in, Louis? Whose toilets are
you scrubbing?

Robert Naiman
Policy Director
Just Foreign Policy
(202) 448-2898 x1

On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 4:27 PM, Louis Proyect <l...@panix.com> wrote:

> On 3/10/16 4:37 PM, Marv Gandall wrote:
> > Louis, in the name of Debs, would say your Sanders supporter would be
> > wasting her vote. She should instead be throwing her support to Green
> > candidate Jill Stein. I'd put greater odds of your friend engaging
> > with your question than wanting to pursue his tortured rationale for
> > the Green Party. Louis puts great store on the Democratic label and
> > history (as though the Greens would somehow behave differently than
> > other left-centre parties if they came close to vying for government)
> > while disdaining the unfolding political differentiation within and
> > around the party and the opportunities it presents to consistently
> > provide the kind of opening you describe.
> Yeah, well, I can change my mind on a political party. I was for the
> FSLN and then I was not. I was for the FMLN and then I was not. I was
> for the Vietnamese CP and then I was not. I was for the ANC and then I
> was not. I was even for the Democratic Party until the summer of 1965
> when I realized I had been suckered into voting for a "peace candidate".
>   Right now I am for the GPUS because they have given me no reason not
> to back them. In fact, I identify strongly with what Jill Stein says.
> You back the DP because you have been corrupted by too many years in the
> trade union bureaucracy, just like Sidney Hillman and David Dubinsky
> were. The weird thing about you is that your sinecure was modest
> compared to theirs. Despite that, you have a ferocity in making the case
> for the oldest bourgeois party that is something to behold. It doesn't
> seem to matter to you that it has used nuclear weapons twice, upheld
> slavery, destroyed Reconstruction and that had the blood of millions of
> Koreans and Vietnamese on its hands. And your defense for such casuistry
> is that Jill Stein might do the same thing if she got elected? Pretzel
> logic...
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