
On Mon, Aug 18, 2003 at 11:25:14PM +1000, Andrew Savige wrote:

> It doesn't have to eval the whole of CPAN to be useful.
> I see the mythical Module::Scrutinize as perhaps a little orthogonal
> to Module::CPANTS, as something that may help individual CPAN authors
> produce a higher quality product, running their CPAN module through it
> pointing out things that might be improved. It may also be handy to

Just yesterday I was thinking of something like validator.cpan.org (parallel
to validator.w3.org):

Upload a dist and let it be checked by a future version of Module::CPANTS.

You should get back a report and/or a "kwalitee" rating. If the kwalitee is
too low, improve your distribution (where improve means: code the module so
that it gets a high kwalitee). The hard part of this validation service is
definitly deciding how to calculate kwalitee.

> > > 6) Prerequisite checker.
> > 
> > What would you check, exactly?
> That the prerequisites in Makefile.PL/Build.PL/META.yml match the code.

The current of Module::CPANTS includes a field called 'requires_module',
which is basically prereq_pm. There's another field called 'uses' that
contains all the modules used. (this is generated by parsing the code using
a Parse::RecDescent based parser called Module::Extractuse (written by me

I didn't found the time to match those two data fields after dropping Core
modules and modules provided by the distribution itself. But I'm planning to
do it. 

#!/usr/bin/perl                               http://domm.zsi.at
for(ref bless{},just'another'perl'hacker){s-:+-$"-g&&print$_.$/}

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