I just wanted to get some thoughts on this before I filed a bug report
with either PPI or Perl::Critic:

I'm going through and testing all of my *.t files for RequireTestLabels.
I was humming right along when I ran into an oddity. The newest
Perl::Critic 0.21 + PPI 1.118 complains that the tests don't have
labels, yet they clearly do.

After some tinkering, I stumbled across the culprits:

This causes a RequireTestLabel failure:

> is_deeply([$storage->primary_columns], [qw/id otherpk/], 'return DBIC primary 
> keys from schema');

other is_deeply tests pass, like the one before it:

> is($storage->_primary_columns, undef, 'no primary columns defined');

I looked through RT, and I don't see anything that really points to
anything on this one in either dist.



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