Adriano Ferreira wrote:
> On 8/17/07, Christopher H. Laco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> chromatic wrote:
>>> On Thursday 16 August 2007 20:14:31 Eric Wilhelm wrote:
>>>> I am certain that more than one 'extra tests' directory is needed, thus
>>>> the thought to make them into subdirectories (objections?)
>>>> (They cannot live under 't/' due to compatibility issues.)
>>> Which compatibility issues?  I've used t/author/ for quite a while without 
>>> any
>>> compatibility issues.
>>> -- c
>> Right, accept when your t/author tests are tests for you, the author and
>> my t/author tests are for my Author class/classes/pages/etc.
> Testing some Author stuff would be rarer than having author tests. So
> maybe we could standardize on something like "t/author" and when other
> value is desirable, a key/value pair may be specified in META.yml (and
> in Makefile.PL/Build.PL).
> # META.yml
> ---
> # the default location for author tests (not needed)
> author_tests: t/author
> # when something different is wanted
> author_tests: t/developer

That convinces me even more that me other email was spot on imho.
Looking for a directory and assuming what's in it are an authors' tests
is pure guesswork. It's rude that you assume whatever directory I have
isn't used for other purposes and will ignore those tests on make test.

*.t files need a way to declare themselves as an authors' test. Let the
runner/harness inspect/ask each *.t file if it's an author test or not,
and run it or not...regardless of what directory it's in.

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