On Sunday 29 June 2008 11:02:17 Gabor Szabo wrote:

> On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 4:49 PM, chromatic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I thought the goal of Kwalitee was to identify good free software, not to
> > humiliate thousands of other authors of free software for not
> > anticipating and working around your bugs.
> I also think the no_cpants_errors has no place in the core metrics nor
> actually any metric. It should be only seen by the CPANTS authors....
> ... but chromatic, while I have not added that specific metric your tone is
> offending and humiliating me and maybe also Thomas and possibly others who
> invest time to try to make CPAN a better place.

I certainly don't mean to humiliate anyone.  Please accept my apologies.

However, does making CPAN a better place require publishing a Hall of Shame on 


I think what I want from CPANTS is conceptually simple:

* tell me (and my potential users) if a recent upload is well-behaved (all but 
three of the core metrics achieve this)

* provide optional information as information alone (packaged by various OS 
distributions, used by other CPAN distributions)

* drop the game, with winners and losers and (especially) scores

-- c

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