# from Ovid
# on Thursday 22 January 2009 11:01:

>>>The programmer still has to count if the programmer wants a plan.
>> I'm not sure anybody *wants* a plan.
>>A way to ensure that every test ran or accurate progress reporting,
>>yes.  It seems to me that some are just willing to suffer counting
>>their tests to achieve that. 
>Lots of people want plans.  Lots of people don't want plans.  That's
>not an argument I expect anybody is going to *win* (even if they're
> right).
>This has been argued to death.  Many times.  Over and over.

This is not an argument.  The word or notion 'plan' is not really the 
point.  I actually want a mechanism (which one might call a plan) 
wherein the test can guarantee that e.g. no unexpected exit() happened 
and also provide accurate progress reporting.  If we have to call this 
guarantee+progress a 'plan' for lack of better terminology, then I 
would restate my assertion as: "I'm not sure anybody *wants* _no_ 

If anybody has a desire to manually count their tests and statically 
specify a numeric plan, plus numeric skips, I would like to please 
understand that desire.

If anybody really wants the test to "only maybe" test things or even run 
forever, I would be similarly curious to understand that.

That is, are you counting because you *must* count due to limitations of 
the Test functionality?  If that is the only reason, it would seem to 
me that now might be the time to revisit some assumptions.

I personally use no_plan only because I can't be bothered to manually 
count things and don't want to assume that the number of tests run on 
*my* computer is somehow a universal constant.

"Everything goes wrong all at once."
--Quantized Revision of Murphy's Law

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