On Monday, March 25, 2002, at 04:41 , Dan Kogai wrote:
> 0.    Generate all the necessary *.ucm via
>   perl5.7.3 ./compile -n $encname -o Encode/$encname.ucm 
> Encode/$encname.enc
> 1.  rename non-8.3-compliant *.ucm and reflect changes to */Makefile.PL
> 2.  detach Encode::Tcl and upload it to CPAN.

   The work is done.  Here is the Changes related

! */Makefile.PL
- Encode/*.enc
+ Encode/*.ucm
- lib/Tcl*
- lib/Encode/Format/Enc.pod
- t/Tcl.t
   * Character tables is now 100% ucm.
   * All files under Encode/ is now 8.3-compliant
   * some of missing encodings added (i.e. gsm0338 and nextstep)
   * Vndor mappings aggregated with appropriate national std in
     Makefile.PL, resulting smaller *.so especially for CJK.
     Following is result on Dan's FreeBSD box.
                                                   Now        Then
   blib/arch/auto/Encode/Byte/Byte.so          157,279     171,042
   blib/arch/auto/Encode/CN/CN.so            1,634,476   1,626,685
   blib/arch/auto/Encode/EBCDIC/EBCDIC.so       18,476      18,476
   blib/arch/auto/Encode/Encode.so              27,791      27,791
   blib/arch/auto/Encode/JP/JP.so            1,408,056   1,832,811
   blib/arch/auto/Encode/KR/KR.so            1,156,518   1,329,587
   blib/arch/auto/Encode/Symbol/Symbol.so       23,940      20,990
   blib/arch/auto/Encode/TW/TW.so*             948,761   1,316,437
   Total                                     5,375,297   6,343,819
   Saving                                      968,522
   * As a result of ucm-transition, Encode::Tcl dropped.
   Encode::Tcl will be supplied in a separate module.
   Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   and the changes before the ucm-transition

   Files renamed 8.3 filename compliance.  Affected modules/scripts 
- lib/Encode/JP/Constants.pm
+ lib/Encode/JP/Consts.pm
! lib/Encode/JP/JIS.pm
! lib/Encode/JP/H2Z.pm
   Version nit problem and 8.3 rule fix.
   > Package namespace         installed    latest  in CPAN file
   > Encode::JP::Constants          0.92      1.02  
   was noted by jhi then Dan discovers "Constants.pm" does not comply 8.3
   rule.  Contants.pm renamed to Consts.pm and affected modules are fixed
   accordingly.  In addition, legacy "use vars qw()..." are replaced with
   Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   I have a backup copy of pre-ucm-transition version so I can revert 
should full ucm-transition (and resulting detachment of Encode::Tcl) is 

Dan the Encode Maintainer

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