On Monday, March 25, 2002, at 06:59 , Autrijus Tang wrote:
> Whoa there, wait!
>>   Yields nothing but filenames like "7bit-greek.enc" is an obvious
>> violation.
> The other parts of perl, too, has names longer than 8.3. even 
> has a 9.2 name. This is not a problem, per se.

   I have notice that, too.  But isn't duplicate prevention enough?  I am 
no expert in vanilla FAT and vanilla DOS but if UNIVERSAL.pm gets 
truncated to UNIVERSA.pm, isn't

   use UNIVERAL;

  in trouble?  Or perl on such systems are smart enough to load 
UNIVERSA.pm (I guess this is the case).

> The check83.pl checks for *duplicates* in 8.3 file system. This is to 
> say,
> if I have two files, named
>     DanKogaiSan.pm
>     DanKogaiHacker.pm
> They will both become 'Dankogai.pm' in 8.3 filesystems, yielding a 
> conflict.

   Thus ISO_2022_JP.pm and ISO_2022_JP_1.pm was conflicting.

> Hence, I'm not aware of any need to retrofit all the encoding files into
> 8.3 format, nor is there a *fix* Supported to Supports, EncFormat to
> Format/Enc, or other craziness. The merit of enc => ucm is a separate 
> issue
> altogether, and I'm not very convinced the size bloat is worth it.

   Size reduction was a byproduct of */Makefile.PL linting.
   As for "Encode::Supports", there is another concern in perldoc;  is 
perldoc smart enough to 8.3-ize filenames?
   Well, I didn't really enjoy renaming files myself....

Dan the Man with Too Many Files to Watch Over

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