The part you missed in Bill's email "Write a shell script that is  
setuid root" is the most important.

You need to chmod not to 755, but
chown root <filename>
chmod 4755 <filename>

This tells Unix to run the script as the script owner.    For more  
details look at:


On Nov 3, 2009, at 8:47 AM, nonlin wrote:

Dear Bill,

Thanks for you fast response.

Well, It seems close, but I have not gotten it to work yet.

I made a shell script like you said:
service sendmail restart
echo dun!!!

I set the permissions to 755
set File owner to root
set File group to root

Modify my script to call it:
@results = `/usr/bin/nltests/`;

and I am still having the same problem.

I even tried to set the owner and group of the purl script to root

just a little more info

If I run from a terminal, it works

I wrote a test sh script to just list the directory (ls) and that  
works when
I call is from my purl script.

So, do you have any other suggestions, or do you notice if you  
something or misunderstood some of your instructions.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Luebkert" <>
To: "nonlin" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 03, 2009 5:22 AM
Subject: Re: [Perl-unix-users] Permistion Problem when run from the Web

> nonlin wrote:
>> Dear Friends,
>> I know this is not directly a Unix problem but since this is  
>> happening
>> in Fedora Lenix I though your the best group to help me with this  
>> Issue.
>> I need to execute some root level UNIX commands and access some root
>> level files from an script that is executed from the web. To be more
>> specific, the script I am writing needs to restart sendmail.  
>> Example of
>> "":
>> ------------
>> #!/usr/bin/perl --
>> use CGI ':standard';
>> @results = `service sendmail restart`;
>> print "@results\n";
>> ------------
>> If I am login in as the root on the server and run this script, IT  
>> perfectly!
>> But if I call this script over the web into a browser. It FAILS!  
>> because
>> 550 Permission denied (real uid not trusted).
>> Now, I know that this limitation was set up for my protection, but  
>> I am
>> writing a script that don't let the user do what ever they want. The
>> script is in full control of what is happing on the server and not  
>> the
>> user, so their is really no real risk hear. I just need to get around
>> this limitation to get the job dun.
>> Does anyone know how to make this work.
> Write a shell script that is setuid root and call that script from  
> your
> Perl script.  Make sure you watch out for any possible misuses of the
> script and code around them.
> EG:
> Make a setuid script named that does the restart  
> and
> store it somewhere appropriate (eg: /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin, ...)  
> then
> call the shell script from the Perl script similar to what you were  
> doing:
> @results = `/usr/bin/`;
> Or you can pass args like you were, but probably safer not to.  You  
> may
> want to verify sendmail isn't running the the script if sendmail  
> doesn't
> want multiples running (unless sendmail already handles that itself).

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