nonlin wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> I know this is not directly a Unix problem but since this is happening 
> in Fedora Lenix I though your the best group to help me with this Issue.
> I need to execute some root level UNIX commands and access some root 
> level files from an script that is executed from the web. To be more 
> specific, the script I am writing needs to restart sendmail. Example 
> of "":
> ------------
> #!/usr/bin/perl --
> use CGI ':standard';
> @results = `service sendmail restart`;
> print "@results\n";
> ------------
> If I am login in as the root on the server and run this script, IT 
> WORKS perfectly!
> But if I call this script over the web into a browser. It FAILS! 
> because 550 Permission denied (real uid not trusted).
> Now, I know that this limitation was set up for my protection, but I 
> am writing a script that don't let the user do what ever they want. 
> The script is in full control of what is happing on the server and not 
> the user, so their is really no real risk hear. I just need to get 
> around this limitation to get the job dun.
> Does anyone know how to make this work.
> Sincerely,
> Nonlin.
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