I just added my code for the Win32::GUI::Constants module that we have discussed here recently. The build process is internally a bit convoluted, but should happen smoothly from the outside!

I've not built under perl 5.6 or cygwin yet, but I don't envisage any problems there.

Still to do:
- Integrate the module with GUI.pm, so that we can seamlessly use the same options from the 'use Win32::GUI' statement. - Re-implement Win32::GUI::constant() to delegate (with a deprecated warning) to Win32::GUI::Constants::Constant() - Remove the existing constant implementation: remove code from GUI.pm and remove GUI_constants.cpp; update Makefile.PL as necessary

I hope I'll have these changes before long - I've got a few other things to look at first.

As always comments on success and/or failures in your build environment are encouraged.

Robert May
Win32::GUI, a perl extension for native Win32 applications

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