I'd appreciate it if people can build and what's in CVS and run their current scripts against these changes to see what (if any) change in behaviour you get. I hope none (except perhaps for a few warnings), but I need help to ensure I've covered all the ways people were accessing the constants previously. Additionally I'd like some confidence that I haven't accidentally broken anything elsewhere - everything seems OK here, and all the tests still pass (they didn't with my first attempt, showing the value of having such tests).

Bareword "Win32::GUI::MB_OK" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at C:/perl/s
ite/lib/Client/WindowManager.pm line 120.
Bareword "Win32::GUI::MB_ICONINFORMATION" not allowed while "strict subs" in use
at C:/perl/site/lib/Client/WindowManager.pm line 120.


In the WindowManager package I've got the following code:

Win32::GUI::MessageBox($mainwindow,$text,"Message", Win32::GUI::MB_OK | Win32::GUI::MB_ICONINFORMATION);

Turns out I'm doing this all over the place - for example in another package:

$grahicwin = new Win32::GUI::Window (
  -parent      => $w,
  -name        => 'Time',
  -pos         => [8,160],
               -size        => [562,105],
  -popstyle    => Win32::GUI::WS_CAPTION | Win32::GUI::WS_SIZEBOX,
  -pushstyle   => Win32::GUI::WS_CHILD | Win32::GUI::WS_CLIPCHILDREN,
  -pushexstyle => Win32::GUI::WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,

The reason I did this was to stop the namespace pollution of doing a use Win32::GUI in each package:)

Hopefully I'll have time later today to change my logic.



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