Jeremy White wrote:
Bareword "Win32::GUI::MB_OK" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at
C:/perl/site/lib/Client/ line 120.
Bareword "Win32::GUI::MB_ICONINFORMATION" not allowed while "strict
subs" in use at C:/perl/site/lib/Client/ line 120.
In the WindowManager package I've got the following code:
Win32::GUI::MessageBox($mainwindow,$text,"Message", Win32::GUI::MB_OK |
Hmm. This is problematic with the current code. You must be doing an
unadorned 'use Win32::GUI;' somewhere (and if running under warnings
you'll get a warning about this). I've got a small patch to that fixes this issue - it'll be in CVS shortly.
Under warnings you should find (with the new code) that you get a
warning for each unadorned use Win32::GUI; and a warning for the first
time each constant that you use that way is called. But things should
keep working.