One answer to the question I asked earlier: 

  > I would like to show multiple addresses on a map -- from
  > a "user PC" (rather than from a "web-server").  I am
  > hoping to have a perl script read in a list of addresses
  > and generate a html page.  All the input addresses would
  > be within about 20 miles of each other; and each address
  > in the list would have a html link associated with it.
  > Viewing the html page generated by the perl script in a
  > browser should show a map with markers for each address
  > in the list.  Clicking on the marker should open a new
  > browser for the html link associated with that address.
  > Can the preceding be done?  Any suggestions?
is WebServer::GoogleMaps.  

To install on Windows, just end up with the file
Then change line 57 in from 
    $self->{gm_version} ||= ".1";
    $self->{gm_version} ||= ".3";
(Preceding modification is from a post to CPAN::Forum 
by Michael Burns on Sat Jun 18 20:38:18 2005.)
Then run the two main examples and look at the resulting 
images mymap.png and goodeats.png.


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