Good day, all. I'm a newb related to "proper" cataloging of media, but a impassioned Perl programmer. I've been reading rather heavily into MARC and related cataloging/indexing stuff, and I've a few questions, most innocently starting off with:

 * I am not a trained librarian. Is there a friendly place for
   self-taught, enthused users to ask questions concerning the various
   technologies? I understand that this list is _perl_ for
   _librarians_, and innocent questions about MARC and "how best
   to catalog $this" probably aren't on-topic here. Certainly
   encourage me if I'm wrong.

 * In looking around for pre-packaged Perl products, I've found
   numerous, but they all seem to suffer from a few problems which
   are no fault of their own:

* they're ugly and time-consuming to use.

     * they cater to library-installations only (as they should,
       but Koha, for instance, forces me through about five to
       twelve screens before I can add one item. I don't care
       about ordering, acquisitions, or budgeting - I just
       want a "proper" [1] database).

     * they haven't been developed in ages, and support seems
       scattered around numerous sites, people, and organizations
       (jake, most notably).

   Am I missing the magical product? The closest I've seen is
   phpMyLibrary, but that still doesn't satisfy all my "needs" [2].

 * Since I'm newb, I'm still learning about MARC and all the tags
   and they're meanings. For one, there seems to be numerous
   output formats of MARC (MARC communication, tabbed/column
   view, XML view, etc., etc.). What format does
   write? I noticed on a TODO list somewhere a request for
   output formating? Is anyone interested in a MARC::Simple
   sort of module, that would "use English"-ize all the tags
   themselves ($record->author_name("Logan, Robert K.") and
   $record->author_date("1939-"), which would just be wrappers
   around MARC::Field and the relevant tag numbers).

 * Does MARC::Record create leaders? Is there anything that does?
   Leaders are something which I'm still confused about.

Thanks for listening.

[1] Defined as "uses the same indexing rules as librarians use",
    "uses open source software", and "can export into formats
    readily usable by other oss4lib projects". "Quick", manual
    entry of five thousand 99%-chance-they're-not-MARCed items
    would be nice too ;)

[2] Which, at this point, aren't really relevant, as I'm thirsting
    for knowledge about everything from everyone, so that I can
    further nail down exactly where my needs and wants begin.

Morbus Iff ( i put the demon back in codemonkey )
Culture: and
Mac OS X Hacks:
icq: 2927491 / aim: akaMorbus / yahoo: morbus_iff / morbus

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