I've taken the opportunity of make making Carp.pm even lighter (change
#24995), by moving its pod into a separate file, deferring the creation of
various package vars until Carp::Heavy is included, and stripping longmess
and shortmess so they are just empty hooks that trigger 'require

Running valgrind to get an idea of:
* malloc()ed memory not freed at end (a vague indication of process size),
* total mallocs() - gives an upper bound on peak memory usage, although
doesn't allow for memory that was free()ed and them re-malloc()ed - it
would count that memory twice;

I get:

mem used at end total malloced  command
159904          195136          ./perl -Ilib -MExporter -e 1
176330          224251          ./perl -Ilib -e 'use Carp; 1'

it would appear that Carp uses now 15-30K, assuming that Exporter gets loaded

(this is a debugging perl; without that it would probably be less)


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