Jonathan Scott Duff writes:
 > On Fri, Aug 18, 2000 at 10:12:02AM -0500, Christopher J. Madsen wrote:
 > >     foreach $_ $index (@array) { ... }
 > > 
 > > It's only 3 characters, and it makes for a nice consistant syntax.
 > Yep, but it might also be a source of confusion too.  There's no way
 > to help the programmer realize that they've screwed up when they do.
 >      for $index (@array) {
 >         print "$_ is at position $index\n";          # Oops!
 >      }
 > In this example, the programmer may realize his mistake when he sees
 > " is at position 0", but in the real world, the body of the loop may
 > be *much* more complicated.  How do we help the programmer when he
 > screws up?  

I guess I just don't think that would be a very common mistake.  The
index is stored in the second variable after foreach.  If there's only
one variable, it's not the index, it's the element.

Chris Madsen          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
TRX Technology Services                                 (214) 346-4611

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